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woman in with umnrellla
Now that I’ve been activated in the Prophetic, what’s next? How do I perfect the gift? How does my gift fit within the church and the body of Christ? Does God want to use me? What if my church doesn’t believe in the Prophetic? What’s next?

God is a personal God and desires an intimate fellowship with His offspring, not a distant relationship. He is the Father of all creation and the Father of light in whom there is no variableness, nor the shadow of turning. Every loving father wants to have an intimate relationship with their Children. God, from His Word, always wants to communicate with us. So it behooves us to understand and capture the way he communicates, so we can respond to him in an appropriate manner and do his bidding.

Prophecy is how we know the heart and the mind of God for our personal situations and for the world at large. In the Prophetic School, you will learn some of the ways that God speaks; you will investigate some of the channels God uses to communicate with us in order to advance His Kingdom here on Earth.

Many young prophets and prophetic ministers — after prophesying and seeing their words come to pass — allow the praise of men to get to their heads, which indicates that their character is not matured.

The Prophetic School was created to address these issues, as well as the need for competent Schools for Prophets that bring balance between gifting and character.

Join us!