646-987-7726 (Bronx)

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Welcome to New Life School of the Prophets

In these days of wars and rumors of wars we have seen the rise of the psychic, false religion, the occult, astrology, Jewish mysticism (kabala), Eastern religions and Satanist. And these have infiltrated the highest offices in our land in the political, business, and religious sectors. These powers of darkness and the works of Satan must be destroyed.

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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to be informative, convenient, and inexpensive. As you embark on your studies, may God’s grace direct, empower, and strengthen you.

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college students singing

Pre Module Deliverance

The Deliverance Module

group of teens singing

Module 1

Prophetic Re-production and Production

Senior man in academic regalia holding diploma, education at any age, new degree.

Module 2

The Psychic and the False Prophet

college students studying outside

Module 3

The Prophetic Office and the Art of Mentoring

5 men wearing businness attire

Module 4

Advanced Prophetics, deal with, the realms of Sleep/Deep Sleep/ Dreams/Visions and Trances, and Prophetic Out-Of-Body Experiences

students listening to a class

We have more modules coming up for you.

Academic Excellence

We offer diverse, comprehensive programs and modules that will inform, educate, and help our students gain the right knowledge and skills to pursue God’s calling.

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group study of college students group of people praying college graduates smiling group of hands holding the bible together graduates smiling

Our Community

Christ Prophetic Academy International is more than just a place for you to attend school. Find out about what the community and student life is like at our academy.

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